The level of hand hygiene at one Australian hospitas “beggars belief”, an infection control expert warns.

The Paris climate agreement has come into legal force ...

A new study pushes back the history of Aboriginal invention by 10,000 years ...

People should have the legal right to mine their own data, says ...

A new review has found hints of the food industry’s influence on research.

Scientists are engineering spinach plants to detect explosive molecules in water.

Engineers have developed a chip embedded with lung cells that can simulate the effects of smoking.

A high-tech telescope in the West Australian outback has produced incredible new pictures of our Universe.

Global renewable energy and generation capacity will rise by ...

Research has revealed a big divide in Australian health.

Elon Musk has unveiled Tesla’s next-generation rooftop solar technology.

Experts want to use autonomous drones to deliver medical supplies to remote communities.

Australia has suffered defeat in its quest to retain a coveted prize in cyborg sports...

Google has provided $5 million to see a new generation of Australian brainchildren come to life.

Nature has released its list of Australia’s best research institutions.

Glaciologists say hundreds of metres of solid ice were lost from West Antarctica’s glaciers between 2002 and 2009.

Robots scanning the seabed have stumbled on a stunning set of ancient shipwrecks.

The leaders of a brand new field say ‘psychobiotics’ could change the world.

Some plants use a quirk of quantum physics to squeeze more energy out of the Sun.

Could taking a hard line on speed limits actually decrease road safety?

Queensland roboticists say they can save the farming sector over $1 billion a year.

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