Academics and aboriginal rangers have come together near the Queensland-Northern Territory border to farm native spinifex grass for the world's strongest, thinnest condoms.

Researchers have reported success in a new combination of computer analysis and microscopy.

Governments tend to shower new roads, railway and other infrastructure on marginal electorates, but a new report says this pork-barrelling is creating a major drag.

The South Australian government has approved on-road trials of driverless cars.

Research has revealed the epigenetic effect of a mother’s smoking on their unborn child.

Studies show more than half of New Zealand chiropractors who advertise online make misleading claims about what they can treat.

The retina has become the latest human body part to be grown in the lab.

Some of Australia’s most futuristic machines are being used to study some of the nation’s oldest artworks.

New working groups have been announced for a nationwide research overhaul.

Academics have opened fire on myths spun by mining companies.

Japan's space agency has lost a newly-launched astronomy satellite.

Using water, a laser and some key chemicals, the chance to make carbon nanotubes on an industrial scale has come closer.

The Queensland Government has launched a surprising attack on job cuts at the CSIRO imposed by the Federal Government.

Anxiety disorders are some of the most common of all brain issues, and a new study on fruit flies may have shed some light on anxiety’s most basic mechanisms.

Australian engineers have unveiled exciting new nano-tech “smart packages”, which could change the way drugs are delivered.

Queensland researchers have taken another small step on the path to quantum computing.

Two experts have debated whether doctors should boycott working in Australia’s immigration detention centres.

A stunning piece of research has seen the entire HIV-1 genome cut out of a patient’s infected immune cells.

The National Heath and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has put up another $3.3 million for studies on illness and wind turbines.

South Australia’s enthusiasm to build a nuclear waste storage facility may be tempered by a new Australia Institute report.

Australian scientists have discovered special bacteria that help create platinum.

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