There is great concern this week about reports that the world’s first genetically edited babies have been born in China.

A review has found climate change lawsuits against governments have had more success than those against fossil fuel companies.

Researchers have found evidence of changes in climate coinciding with the first wave of European settlement of Australia.

A new study suggests agricultural dams would be an excellent place to cut carbon emissions.

Mars has a new robot resident after a successful touchdown this week.

Australian engineers have overcome another critical technical hurdle for building a silicon-based quantum computer.

Australian-led research has found air pollution may increase the risk of intellectual disabilities in kids.

Drones are being used to provide a new perspective into shark behaviour.

A massive international investigation has revealed a shocking number of medical device-related deaths.

Australian researchers have developed an organic, non-combustible and lightweight cladding core ...

Australia has made its first commercial rocket launch with a craft sent skyward from rural Queensland.

The Australian Academy of Science has outlined its priorities for the 2019 federal election.

An Australian neuroscientist has discovered a previously unknown area in the human brain.

Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan has reportedly put aside plans for a taskforce to scrutinise university responses to sexual assault and harassment.

Experts are testing a simple and low-cost early warning system for tsunamis.

International researchers have produced the world's first global vegetation database ...

Australian research has led to the development of a new blood test for the early diagnosis of ovarian cancer.

Microplastics and other man-made fibres have been found in a popular fish species on the Great Barrier Reef.

A waste product, disposed of as landfill in the past, has been unearthed as a powerful fertiliser.

Researchers at RMIT University have engineered a new type of transistor that sends electrons through air.

A local lab is using 3D printing in the fight against cancer.

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