HIV rates in Australia have dropped to an 18-year low.

Scientists have measured the effects of a mass mangrove dieback in the NT.

Environmentalists have removed 40 tonnes of rubbish from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Experts say emissions from current and planned energy infrastructure will take the world past 1.5°C of warming.

Japan has dropped the façade of ‘research’ and is now whaling for purely commercial purposes.

Tech specialists have developed a set of techniques to effectively ‘vaccinate’ against attacks on machine learning.

New research suggests high-performing athletes could have performance-enhancing poo.

A new study suggests some nations are on track to eliminate cervical cancer.

Experts have created a culturally-appropriate depression screening tool for Aboriginal people.

Australian researchers say hyper-thin ‘nanosheets’ could be a key ingredient for next-gen solar cells.

Over 150 religious leaders have called on Scott Morrison to block all new coal and gas projects.

New global modelling has attempted to measure the cost of natural disasters to the world’s roads and railways.

A giant floating device is having a second attempt at cleaning up the huge, swirling island of garbage in the Pacific Ocean.

A major rocket launch this week sent 24 new satellites into space, including some for Australia ...

New analysis says robots will take up to 20 million manufacturing jobs around the world by 2030.

A controversial new course has been approved by the University of Wollongong, despite court action and staff concerns.

Experts are calling for an overhaul of river modelling and management.

Production has stopped at a nuclear medicine facility in Sydney after workers were exposed to radiation.

Scientists are helping tourism businesses become Great Barrier Reef guardians.

US engineers have created a squishy robotic lionfish that has synthetic liquid 'blood' made of battery fluid.

Experts say hospitals should reduce broad-spectrum antibiotic use in the fight against golden staph.

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