A team of engineering students at the University of New South Wales has had a re-think of the traditionally super-sleek solar car design, remodelling the sun-mobile with humans in mind.

New research into efficient and sustainable models for public transport has been undertaken by scientists at the University of Sydney, hopefully leading to a world without traffic jams.

A new scholarship program has been put together by The University of Sydney; the funds are aimed at developing engineering leaders to inspire undergraduates in the degree.

With global resource demand becoming irreversably high and population too reaching ever-increasing numbers, many humans will be reaching toward space for a hand to leave the rapidly over-crowding rock.

A new kind of touch sensor is being developed which could provide a new level of speed and accuracy, converting mechanical input directly into an optical signal.

The Robogals team has again brought a taste of the thrills and challenges in the world of engineering to regional high school students in Western Australia.

Positive mental health in the workplace and suicide prevention is at the heart of a new study being conducted by the University of Melbourne.

A University of Wollongong team has taken out an international prize for renewable energy-based house design.

A research team in the US have developed a new design for nano-particle treatments, employing 'smart' materials to allow the minuscule medical devices to perform a range of new techniques.

A new vaccine for one of the world's most common diseases is showing very strong promise in clinical trials.

ICT Geelong has launched an initiative to get people interested in wearable sensors and computing technologies in the regional area.

Human tests have been carried out on a mind-bending new device planted deep in the brain, which could lead to a new generation of 'smart' medical implants that can be re-programmed after they have been installed.

An appeal has begun in the Federal Court against a ruling that allows human genes to be patented by private companies.

Scientists from the University of Melbourne and Marcroft Grains Pathology at Horsham have developed an extensive disease monitoring and management program which has prevented devastation from the blackleg fungal disease in canola crops, saving at least $18 million.

Everybody relax – the world’s beer supplies are safe.

Australian scientists have developed a technique which could see increased speed in the eternal rush for gold.

Researchers at the Australian National University have found that children with language impairments are more likely to develop mental health problems during childhood or adolescence.

The Curiosity rover has been hanging out on the surface of Mars for a year now, and over that time has accumulated enough evidence to strongly suggest the planet could have supported microbial life at some point in its history.

Engineers from the University of New South Wales are set to play a big role in maximising the abilities of a massive new solar photovoltaic (PV) power station.

Scientists at CSIRO are reporting evidence that suggesting marine life spawns sooner and is moving to cooler areas as oceans become warmer.

Despite the efforts of some companies which have imposed quotas to boost the number of female employees, federal statistics show women still make up only 20 per cent of the workforce in key scientific areas including engineering and IT.

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