The Federal Government is being pushed to adjust its ‘innovation agenda’.

A new study says key Indian deep groundwater aquifers may become contaminated with arsenic within a decade.

Prominent scientists have poked holes in a new set of climate change predictions.

Research from the UK says negative side-effects from clinical trials are often lost when the study reaches peer review.

A boy with three parents marks a major achievement in genetic science.

Research has shown that endorsement of scientific research is strongly related to support for scientific policies.

The world’s largest radio telescope has been fired up.

Australian experts have stopped light – trapping photons to lure the future of quantum computing.

The vast majority of Australian eating habits are below par, according to the CSIRO.

New research has linked electronic cigarette use and successful attempts to quit smoking, going against the findings of several other studies.

A leading global health figure says that to fix the gaps in our medical system, we must close the larger gaps in society.

New technology could soon see simple, portable vaccine factories for areas in need.

German researchers have developed a way of using ultrasound to move solid objects without physically touching them.

Australian researchers have revealed a widespread bias in industry-funded research into artificial sweeteners.

There have been some positive reports from trials of a new mobile ECG system in outback NSW.

Nearly 400 scientists have signed an open letter telling Donald Trump about the climate.

Experts have digitally analysed the extremely fragile En-Gedi scroll.

Six Australian universities are among the top 100 in the world, according to the latest Times rankings.

Australian scientists are calling for the Federal Government to come through with funding for the Macquarie Island research centre.

Ecologists say up to 90 per cent of eucalypts face declines.

Water bears appear to have a protein that protects their DNA from X-rays.

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