The energy of the future could come from the sewerage of today, with the development of a new type of battery which draws power from dissolved organic matter.

In the same week that international scientists publish clearer evidence of humanity’s influence on climate change, the Australian government is reducing its focus on pollution, the environment and science itself.

A total funding pool of nearly half a million dollars has been put up for investigator-driven research in Australia.

Many people may feel that their imagination has diminished since they left the schoolyard and entered the workplace, but new research has found the imagination is still there – manipulating thoughts and memories within its own ‘mental workspace’.

The structure of a new material created at the University of Sydney manages to mimic the petals of a rose on a nano-scale – capturing beads of water and other liquids across its skin.

UPDATE: Back to the drawing board 

Microscopic robots have been created which can be injected into the human body to carry drugs or conduct analyses without the need for invasive surgery.

A new technique is allowing researchers to screen cells for mutations and diseases in months rather than years.

A new material could form the basis for the next generation of digital storage.

Obesity remains one of the major public health challenges internationally, with weight-loss quick-fixes arriving at a constant rate, but rarely sticking around long enough to help.

An astounding discovery has shown massive underground water supplies beneath a remote region of Kenya, normally plagued by drought.

Scientists at the University of Queensland have achieved quantum teleportation within an electronic chip, transmitting an atom instantly from one place to another.

A new study has suggested students who read for pleasure are heading for much higher marks than their peers.

The Queensland Farmer’s Federation is one of the first of many groups which will be hoping the newly-elected government sticks to its pre-poll promises.

Evidence has been found of diverse life forms which have been locked in lakes buried beneath Antarctica for over one hundred thousand years.

Almost everybody is familiar with the slow roll of waves at the beach, the subject of millions of cliché postcards and holiday snaps, but now scientists have recorded the breaking of waves as tall as skyscrapers - deep beneath the ocean’s surface.

Manta rays are immense, smooth, dark, intimidating and certainly difficult to miss, but scientists in Queensland are concerned about the future of the world’s largest ray.

Scientists have discovered a range of new organic molecules in a meteorite which have never been seen before.

Scientists have successfully erased selected memories in mice and rats, while leaving others totally unaffected.

Members of the broad Australian scientific community will be wondering what the future holds this week; with pre-poll comments from the newly-elected federal government clouding the path ahead for many researchers.

Dingoes have most certainly been given a bum rap in Australia but a new study has helped put them on the path to redemption, showing that dingoes are not responsible for the mainland extinction of the thylacine and Tasmanian devil.

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