Universities say demand for postgraduate courses has surged during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Flinders University’s ­education dean Debra ­Bateman says the last two years has seen three distinct groups of people enrolling in postgraduate study - career changers, ­career extenders and profes­sional/COVID responders.

The third cohort is “an emergent group looking for specific studies that will enhance an identified gap in professional practice or the desire to develop new skills to respond to a specific COVID consequence or issue”, Professor Bateman says.

“A small group of this last cohort may also be using studies for personal development, rather than for employment purposes.”

Popular study choices include psychology, continuing professional education nursing, allied health, wellbeing and positive mental health (education). 

Other unis have reported a jump in demand for postgraduate study in cybersecurity, data science and logistics.

There is also increased interest in medical and biomedical sciences including psychology and science.