James Cook University has opened its Australian Tropic Sciences and Innovation Precinct in Townsville, which will conduct research into sustainable natural resource use in Australia’s tropics.


The centre, which is a joint venture between the CSIRO and James Cook University, will be conducting research into  the following

  • sustainable water management
  • sustainable livestock systems for northern Australia
  • intensive production systems in tropical landscapes
  • understanding the genetics and breeding of sugarcane and development of new varieties
  • marine and coastal processes and production systems
  • integrated approaches to managing change in tropical regional communities.


The mission statement of the centre includes:

  • position Australia as a pre-eminent provider of knowledge in the world’s tropical regions
  • act as a centre of excellence in tropical science
  • develop the northern Australian economy with knowledge, ideas and innovations
  • provide information for sustainably managing Australia’s northern terrestrial and marine ecosystems.


“The researchers will work together on a range of projects to help us achieve a richer, fairer and greener country for all Australians. This includes research into biodiversity and climate change, sustainable production systems, sustainable ecosystem management, hydro-ecological interactions, social and economic factors in sustainable communities, industries and governance systems,” Queensland Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure, the Craig Wallace said