A new Centre for Energy Efficient Telecommunications (CEET) has been launched in Melbourne with the focus on innovation in energy efficient networks and telecommunications infrastructure with the aim to reduce the industry's impact on the environment.


The centre is a partnership between the University of Melbourne, Alcatel Lucent’s Bell Labs and the Victorian Government and is expected to develop into a team of 22 research and industry specialists over the next three years.


The centre has launched a $10 million program of nine projects, three of which will focus on energy consumption of telecommunications networks with an aim to develop models for the management of energy consumption. Another set of three projects will explore methods to reduce the energy consumption of transmission equipment in telecommunications networks. The final three programs will examine the physical and mathematical properties of photons and electrons to enable a better understanding of future possibilities in the development of energy-efficient telecommunications equipment.


CEET will be led by Professor Rod Tucker of the University of Melbourne School of Engineering.