An intriguing device has emerged from the minds of Swiss engineers to make a cube which can walk around, balance itself and stand up on a single corner.

The invention could one day allow a new form of movement or even larger creations which assemble themselves out of smaller parts.

The balletic box is called 'Cubli' and is the result of research and development at the elite European engineering school ETH Zurich.

Cubli uses multi-axis internal wheels to modify its own centre of gravity and affect its own inertia, allowing it to fling itself from face to face in a kind of walking/tumbling motion.

The device uses an approach very similar to the gyro-stabilisation used to keep satellites pointing the right way in orbit, and keep tunnel-diggers heading where they should. Importantly, Cubli is not a gyroscope, but rather senses and applies reaction torques generated by the relative speeds of three internal wheels.

The level of control over the new form of motion is currently quite crude. However, researchers say they are now looking at more advanced sensors and algorithms that would allow Cubli to react quickly to influences on it and the world around it.

The ongoing project has been led by researcher Mohanarajah Gajamohan. Have a look at the video below for a demonstration of developments so far.