New research shows that even small shifts in climate can have massive effects on forest health.

In a report soon to be released by the Ecological Society of Australia, Australian experts show that annual changes in climate are enough to reduce tree growth and health.

“In Western Australia we found that more than 25 per cent of mature trees across 7000 hectares of forest died in response to extreme drought and multiple heatwaves in 2010-11,” says Dr Niels Brouwers from Murdoch University.

“We saw similar numbers of trees dying in arid areas of Queensland in response to the 2003-07 drought, and there are similar reports from around the world.”

Fellow researcher Dr Melanie Zeppel from Macquarie University says more frequent droughts and extreme climate events are projected for Australia, which is of great concern.

“Changing climates will dramatically affect our woodlands and forests, often with complete changes of forest communities,” she said.

“Dying forests also provide more fuel for bushfires, which are coming earlier in the year, with dramatic impacts on both humans and animals.”

“Tree declines also affect the animals dependent upon them,” said Dr Brouwers.

“For instance, already vulnerable Australian Glossy Black-cockatoos have fewer offspring during droughts because food - such as she-oak cones - are harder to find.”

He said climate change may also reduce the ability of trees to sequester carbon.

“The role of forests in sucking carbon out of the atmosphere is well known. But if trees die more rapidly and are not replaced due to climate change, this critical ecosystem service is threatened.

“There is an urgent need for more monitoring of climate change impacts on the world’s forests,” said Dr Brouwers.