The remarkable abilities of a robot named 'Morphobot' (M4) are highlighted in a new report. 

Designed to navigate diverse terrains on land and in the air, Morphobot employs a transformative mechanism that enables it to switch between wheels, propellers, legs, and hands. 

Taking inspiration from animals like birds, meerkats, and seals, the robot showcases a range of movements including flying, rolling, crawling, crouching, balancing, and tumbling.

The implications of this research extend to the development of robots for critical applications such as search and rescue missions, space exploration endeavours, and automated package delivery. 

The versatility of M4's limb repurposing abilities offers significant potential for enhancing the design of robots tasked with operating in complex environments.

Various animal species have already demonstrated the adaptation of their limbs to tackle different terrains. 

Sea lions use their flippers to navigate on land, meerkats stand on their hindlimbs to survey their surroundings, and chukar birds employ their wings as additional limbs to ascend steep inclines. 

By emulating these limb repurposing capabilities observed in nature, mobile robots can be equipped with multifunctional appendages capable of adapting movement strategies to conquer challenging terrains.

M4, created by Alireza Ramezani and his team, features four legs with two joints and ducted fans attached at their ends. 

Weighing 6kg and measuring 70cm in length, as well as 35cm in height and width, this robot demonstrates the ability of its fans to seamlessly transition between functioning as legs, propeller thrusters, or wheels. 

With this flexibility, M4 can successfully navigate rough terrains, surmount steep slopes, overcome large obstacles, ascend to higher levels by flying, and traverse low-ceiling pathways by crawling.

The research findings highlight the significant advantages of incorporating multipurpose appendages into robot designs, enabling them to effortlessly manoeuvre through varied and challenging terrains.

More details are accessible here.