Archived News for Research Sector Professionals - July, 2020
Hundreds of prominent Australians have signed a letter calling for efforts to solve the biggest challenges facing humanity.
Video game violence reviewed
A new meta-analysis has found no long-term link between violent video games and youth aggression.
Bushfires to lift threatened numbers
Experts expect the catastrophic 2019-2020 bushfire season to have increased the number of threatened native species in Australia.
Cyclone watch enhanced
Advanced new modelling could protect vulnerable communities from flood and storm damage.
Hungry starfish studied
Scientists have uncovered new details about the life of the ‘cockroach of the sea’ – the crown-of-thorns starfish.
EPBC Act linked to decline
A federal review of Australia’s key environmental law has called for a new independent regulator to be created.
CSIRO deal for bendy screens
CSIRO has bought into a company to help it produce flexible phone screens and other high-tech products.
CSIRO gas links questioned
Experts have raised concerns that the CSIRO has been compromised by its relationship with the CSG industry.
Green lifecycle studied
Experts say the Australia’s renewable energy transition makes economic sense.
Liquid spins displayed
Australian researchers have found new evidence of a highly unusual quantum state, which could be key to some revolutionary new devices.
Locks turned to carbon dots
Australian engineers have turned human hair into highly sensitive sensors.
Phone data tracks personalities
Mobile phone data has been used to accurately predict personality traits.
Seven make hydro shortlist
Seven companies have been shortlisted for the next stage of the ARENA’s $70 million hydrogen funding.
Solar flow record set
Australian solar cell researchers have created a ‘solar-flow battery’ that can generate, store, and deliver renewable electricity in a single device.
Shaky stakes for uni staff
The high rate of casualisation has been described as Australian universities’ “dirty secret”...
Dog fur tested for oil cleanup
Experts have found that dog fur could be an effective and sustainable way to mop up dangerous environmental contaminants.
Indigenous timeline extended in SA
It appears that First Nations people occupied South Australia’s Riverland region much earlier than previously believed.
Methane masses rising
The latest methane figures show emissions increased by nine per cent - or 50 million tons - from 2007 to 2017.
New app puts eyes on rice
Australian researchers are working on the world’s first real-time monitoring platform for rice fields.
Population peak predicted
Modelling suggests the world population will peak in 2064 at around 9.7 billion.