Archived News for Research Sector Professionals - September, 2017
A new tool for imaging life at the nanoscale - developed in Australia - could provide new insights into the molecules involved in neuro-degenerative diseases.
Academic e-book grift alleged
Four RMIT academics have been stood down for allegedly selling unauthorised e-books to students.
Analysts outline price of Paris
Meeting the goals of the Paris climate agreement could cost $1.5 trillion in company profits ...
Risks revealed in uni ranks
Six Australian universities have made the top 100 in the latest Times Higher Education world university rankings.
Curious minds create changed climate
Researchers have created a climate change microcosm to see how the ecosystem will respond.
Quick glimpse sheds light on black holes
Japanese astronomers have spotted a black hole one hundred thousand times the mass of our Sun poking out from a cloud of molecular gas near the centre of our galaxy.
Reef drones getting real
Queensland researchers are programming drones to monitor coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef.
Stem cell neurons step ahead
Researchers have used stem cells to restore function in a monkey model of Parkinson’s disease.
Whale teeth hint at biting past
Whales use their teeth like a sieve to harvest vast amounts of food, but that may not always have been the case.
Bug's eye gives new view on solar
Engineers are working on a way to pack solar cells together like the lenses in a bug's eye.
Stroke help from brain link reported
Stroke patients could improve motor function by connecting brain their signals with a computer.