Archived News for Research Sector Professionals - May, 2016
New research suggests you’re covered in bugs and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Stereotypes spotted in brain study
Social stereotypes about race and sex may become hardwired in our brains, a new study suggests.
Tech money methods inspected
Australian experts are looking at crypto-currency coding to boost government services.
Experts want clear green goals
Climate scientists say green targets set at COP21 in Paris are too ambiguous.
Budget baulks at green goals
Authorities say the Federal Government has missed the opportunity to show leadership on nature and climate action.
CSIRO escapes latest swing
CSIRO has avoided major cuts in the new budget, and there are calls for job cuts to be delayed.
Dry times to drive massive displacement
Experts say that as dry days increase and water supplies disappear, large part of the Middle East and North Africa will become unliveable.
Experts react to gas leak claim
Anti-CSG arguments were stoked by recent footage of a river on fire, but experts say the video is not all as it seems.
New neighbours give hint of life
A trio of Earth-like planets have been found orbiting an ‘ultracool dwarf’ star not too far from our own Sun.
Photon pics reveal the invisible
Engineers have used a single atom as a camera, snapping images of nanoscale materials.
Cactus skins for future cars
Engineers have taken design tips from the humble cactus to transform electric vehicle technology.
Experts see big things for e-cigs
UK experts say e-cigarettes could be of great benefit to public health.
Heart risks missed by a million
Research has shown that a huge chunk of Australians at risk of heart problems are not getting proper treatment.
Sweet studies for new sugar fuel
Australian engineers are developing and testing new technologies in a three-year project to get fossil fuels out of the sugar industry.
Words watched on way through brain
Researchers have mapped words as they move through the brain, to build a high-tech semantic atlas.