Archived News for Research Sector Professionals - May, 2015
The Federal Government has acknowledged that Co-operative Research Centres earn more than they cost, but will cut funding to them anyway.
New study plots previously missed PTSD risk
An Australian study says early childhood is a key time to build resilience against post-traumatic stress.
Head sensors to judge concussion risk
Rugby players are helping researchers understand the repercussions of concussion.
Local work to power future motors
Australian research engineers are working on a system that could vastly improve the efficiency of electric motors.
Miners to get feet wet on offshore releases
The Industry Minister has unveiled 29 new offshore areas for oil exploration at an energy industry conference.
Printable radios as new use for graphene
British engineers have printed a radio frequency antenna using compressed graphene ink, in what could be one of the first commercial applications for the high-tech material.
Abbott backs new school despite doctors' diagnosis
The Federal Government has backed plans for a new medical school in Perth, but the Australian Medical Association (AMA) is not enthused.
Expert says Ebola will linger
An Australian expert says the Ebola epidemic has thrown the spotlight on the shortage of health care workers in Africa, with many countries facing major challenges to rebuild.
New chatter on silent TPP talks
The United States is moving to fast-track the signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), while the residents of other signatory nations demand to know what is in store.
Solar road scores high in early tests
Reports are in from a trial of a solar power generating road in Europe, and it appears ot have gone quite well.
Performance reviews could do better
Annual performance reviews are common across many industries, but new research suggests they may be missing the point.
Shorten says future starts with STEM
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten focused on science, technology and education in his budget reply speech overnight, vowing to push Australia to the cutting-edge.
Addiction stats put big-drinking locals on show
The first ever comprehensive report on global addictions has revealed Australians smoke less tobacco and drink less alcohol than the British, and we take more illicit drugs too.
Balloon barrels down, rushed off for research
A research balloon the size of a stadium has turned up on a property near Muttaburra in central Queensland.
Carp counting goes high-tech in Canberra
Cyborg carp have been released into the Murrumbidgee River near Bredbo, south of Canberra.
Research sees big hit with hint of sweetness
Research money has been re-jigged in the latest federal budget.
Robot dogs could teach us about ourselves
An Australian researcher says the idea of the household pet could undergo a big tech upgrade.
Death stats don't stack up
Australian researchers say two-thirds of deaths around the world go unreported.
Unis ranked on LGBTI efforts
A new guide has rated Australian universities for their acceptance and inclusiveness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) students.
Feet stamped, fists raised at Federal inaction
This week’s Federal Government budget launch could be hampered by vocal protests from unionised government workers across many sectors.
Hard facts on e-cigs to clear misinforming mist
A big Australian research project has found electronic cigarettes can help smokers to give up.