Archived News for Research Sector Professionals - February, 2015
A critical review of the evidence surrounding popular detox diets has found no evidence to support the use of such diets for weight management or toxin elimination.
New metal brings big boost on nano-scale
Material scientists have developed a new kind of light-weight steel that is as strong as titanium.
Trans-Pacific sellout coming soon
Federal Trade Minister Andrew Robb says it could be a matter of days until a shadowy trade deal is signed, and everyday Australians lose some of their rights.
Vaccine-autism link knocked down again
Another study has shown no link between autism and a common vaccine.
Wine-loving robots help vineyards squeeze more
Australian researchers have come up with a brilliant idea involving cars, robots and plenty of wine.
Cursive ditched in digital age
Cursive writing lessons will be replaced with typing classes in Finland, raising questions about the future of handwriting.
Digital vet check could help all marking
Some local computer scientists have developed a new digital assessment tool that is causing a stir among educators.
Microbes spotted doing 2 billion years of nothing
Researchers have discovered evidence of a microorganism that has not evolved in more than 2 billion years, living in Western Australian waters.
New journal to help plot learning
The University of Queensland has launched a new open access research journal that will look at the neurobiology of learning.
Satellites trained on strained flows
The University of New South Wales is helping authorities spy on Australia from space.
Social views bend our stance on climate
Building public support for climate change policies must go further than just improving the public’s understanding of science, new research says.
Warming pause one of many random events
Those sheltered few who still believe man has no impact on the climate have had one of their central arguments debased.
Worms wrangled for tiny toxicity test
The humble roundworm could become a pioneer of modern scientific safety, as part of tests to measure the toxicity of nanoparticles.
Ebola past worst for now
While World Health Organisation figures show the Ebola outbreak in west Africa is slowing down, experts say now would be the worst time for the world to let its guard down.
Fluoro tumour finder tracking well
Tests have shed light on new ways to find brain tumours, by making them much easier to spot.
Mammoth cryo-microscope fires up
A stunning new microscope will enhance Australia’s research capabilities, experts say.
Wind farm furore blows on
There have been some loud responses to a new report on the negative effects of wind farms.