Archived News for Research Sector Professionals - April, 2012
The CSIRO has released a report into a four-year, $21 million research study into the viability of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology offsetting and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the country’s coal-fired power stations.
The report confirms that post-combustion carbon dioxide capture (PCC) technology operates effectively and efficiently under Australian conditions and is now available to the industry as the first stage in the CCS chain.
The program, funded through the Asia-Pacific Partnership (APP) on Clean Development and Climate and supported by a grant from the Department of Resource, Energy and Tourism (DRET), enabled two PCC plants to be successfully established and operated at existing Australian power stations - at Delta Electricity’s Munmorah power station in NSW and at Stanwell Corp’s Tarong power station in Queensland.
SAIC to open centre in Victoria
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) has announced it will establish a regional cyber security centre in Victoria, generating 50 new highly skilled jobs over the next three years.
Brightest research minds congregating in Australia
109 of the best and brightest minds from countries such as the United Kingdom, United States, China and Germany are coming to Australia to undertake their world-class research, thanks to the Australian Research Council’s fellowships and rewards.
Monash Health Translation Precinct to bring research outcomes into practice
The Federal Government has committed $71 million for a new building and facilities at the Monash Health Translation Precinct (MHTP).
A partnership between Monash University, the Monash Institute of Medical Research, Southern Health and Prince Henry's Institute, the MHTP is focused on transmitting research outcomes into the clinic as quickly as possible.
The new MHTP facility at Monash Medical Centre will include a series of linked, disease-themed laboratories and clinical research units, and will expand to 800 the number of laboratory and clinical researchers accommodated on the campus.
Monash University Chancellor, Dr Alan Finkel, said the funding will result in the development of an academic health science precinct that will integrate medical research, teaching and health care, resulting in better healthcare, more rapid introduction of innovation and the training of a highly skilled health workforce.
Director of Monash Institute of Medical Research, Professor Bryan Williams, said the new facility would provide an exceptional opportunity to translate basic laboratory observations to clinical practice.
“It will provide medical research scientists with ready access to clinicians and patients and expand the international reputation of medical research conducted at the MHTP,” Professor Williams said.
Report highlights flaws in interdisciplinary research
Australia’s Chief Scientist, Professor Ian Chubb, has launched a major report that shines a light on the flaws in the nation’s interdisciplinary research efforts.
CSIRO and Boeing sign $25 million strategic agreement
The CSIRO and Boeing have signed a five-year, $25 million strategic research program that will aim to develop new innovation in space sciences, advanced materials energy and direct manufacturing with an objective to drive improvements and productivity in the Australian economy.
Scientists one step closer to detecting early onset of Alzheimer's disease
Scientists at the University of Newcastle have shown the potential of a simple blood-based test to identify people in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, before any symptoms appear.
CSIRO wins wi-fi patent battle
CSIRO has won a $220 million settlement over the use of its patented wi-fi technology currently in use by over 3 billion electronic devices worldwide.