New techniques could help Australia find resources critical to its net-zero goals.

A new oral spray vaccine shows promise in preventing recurrent UTIs.

New research looks at the specific timing of bird evolution.

Climate action is needed for human health, a new study finds.

Experts say Sydney has grown like a tumour.

CSIRO says Australia is in a perfect position to harness AI for its technological future.

Experts have outlined research priorities for zooplankton - tiny creatures at the heart of the marine food chain.

Experts say Australia is on track for unprecedented, decades-long megadroughts.

New research suggests mRNA could be used to target Alzheimer’s disease.

Australia is set to upgrade its severe weather and flood warning capabilities.

The Federal Government has unveiled a new plan to overhaul the nation’s overarching water policy...

Scientists have mapped the complete sugarcane genome.

Betelgeuse,one of the best known stars in the galaxy, could become the first observed supernova in over four centuries.

A new oxygen-powered battery raises hopes of permanent pacemakers.

Experts have challenged the integrity of Australia's Carbon Credit scheme.

A new, spiky silicon surface has been shown to kill up to 96 per cent of virus particles.

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