Archived News for Research Sector Professionals - March, 2015
British scientists have discovered one way that the body keeps a lid on its DNA.
Gene found for speaking, thinking apes
German researchers have found a gene responsible for allowing the brain to develop fancy functions like speech and conscious thought.
Indecision leaving studies unfunded
The Business Council of Australia (BCA) says the Federal Government is jeopardising jobs by holding research funding “hostage” while it tries to intervene in the university sector.
Evil old study still holds
Australian researchers are picking apart a famous study on people’s ability and willingness to be corrupted.
Learning lab to watch expert lessons
A new Australian lab will take a high-tech look at the process of learning.
New moth marks ancient journey
Australian researchers have discovered an entirely new family of primitive moths, for the first time since the nineteen-seventies.
Search for data on dark attitudes
Australian researchers want to hear from anyone who has been groped, grabbed or otherwise made victim of unwanted sexual attention.
Severe shake brings proteins to the people
Bio-engineers have figured out a fairly easy way to produce new proteins, in what could be a big leap forward for synthetic biology.
Gene-editors cut sickle cell code
Researchers in the US have successfully corrected a genetic error in stem cells from patients with sickle cell disease, and then used those cells to grow healthy, mature red blood cells.
New robot drops with a bang
Swiss engineers have reported on a new roly-poly robot, powered by a fire in its belly.
Solar plane touches down, much more to come
The world’s first inter-continental solar-powered plane has completed the first leg of its round-the-world journey.
Breast milk lined up for molecular check
Australian researchers say the incredible organisation of human breast milk molecules could be part of the reason it is so healthy for babies.
Metal hearts for the age of bionic organs
Australian medical engineers say they are on the verge of a breakthrough, after the transplant of a fully bionic heart.
Miniature missiles could be silver bullet
South Australian researchers are working on nanoscale ‘guided missiles’ to seek and destroy cancer cells.
Tech giants rush to stamp out 'Freak'
Apple, Google and Microsoft are rushing to patch a serious mobile security flaw.
Women report rampant sexism in surgery
A senior surgeon has shed an ugly light on gender equality in the medical profession.
Latest uni plan scanned for better fix
The Federal Government is testing a new proposal for university fee deregulation, but the plan has not washed well with crossbench senators.
Writing robots help human helpers
Researchers in Europe are helping children learn to write by getting them to teach robots.
Big business deal could hurt weakest
New analysis of a secret international trade deal has shown that the Federal Government could be about to put public health and personal wellbeing at risk.
Cleaning products swabbed to find what 'green' means
Common consumer products, including those marketed as ‘green', 'all-natural', 'non-toxic', and ‘organic’, emit a range of harmful compounds.
Consumers drive dodgy devices
New research suggests most electronics are rubbish and about to break.