Researchers have used Hepatitis B to model ancient human population movements into Australia.

Scientists say the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) could be downplaying global threats.

Researchers are working on an artificial womb that could one day save the lives of extremely premature babies.

Dementia rates are declining among older Australians in home and long-term care.

One expert is questioning the barriers to tech innovation in healthcare.

Australian researchers have made it possible to do genomic analysis on a phone.

Geoscience Australia has released a new strategy to help Australian industries use satellite data.

Australian researchers have overcome a fundamental hurdle to building quantum computers in silicon.

A new study has slammed Bitcoin mining technology for its large environmental costs.

CSIRO has launched a giant, purpose-built research facility for robotics and AI systems.

Research suggests dietary changes may have allowed human speech to advance.

Scientists and ethicists from seven countries have called for a global moratorium on human genome editing.

Researchers are using Google Street View to track gentrification of cities.

A new study suggests dirty river run-off is slowing Great Barrier Reef recovery.

A new technique gives unprecedented insight into the dramatic changes occurring in a baby’s first week of life.

New estimates say air pollution is responsible for up to 8.8 million extra deaths around the world each year.

A WA Government-funded study into the effectiveness of a personal shark deterrent has come up with some mixed results.

Global wetlands are worth over $66.55 trillion dollars a year, according to a new study.

AEMO and CSIRO say wind and solar are clearly the cheapest new forms of electricity generation.

Treating children with antibiotics through an intravenous drip at home appears to be ...

Sydney is now home to Australia’s most advanced 3D printing facility.

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