The Australian Army is looking for millions of dollars worth of tiny flying robots.

Research shows that in 2013, physical inactivity cost the world about $75.6 billion in healthcare expenditure and lost productivity.

Not even world leaders can protect themselves from cyber-attacks these days, but quantum computing could help.

A new report uses six key mining projects to show the cosy and secretive relationships between political parties and the mining industry.

Scientists have identified positive changes that occur after a person has been diagnosed with dementia.

Australian experts have found out how plants like rice and wheat can sense and respond to extreme drought stress.

Industrial researchers at CRCMining say they have come up with a safer alternative than gas fracking.

Australian scientists have proved that a warming Earth holds less carbon dioxide.

The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute is creating a free online database of more than 100 scientifically-accurate 3D biomedical animations.

The future could run on electric autonomous trucks, according to Elon Musk.

Solar Impulse has landed in Abu Dhabi, becoming the first aircraft to travel around the world without expending a drop of fuel.

A new technique developed in Australia could help predict the likelihood of kidney transplant rejection.

A National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) review panel is looking at letting parents use IVF to choose the gender of their child.

A third of pregnant women have iron deficiency, according to new research.

A new study has identified nearly 100 previously unknown parts of the brain.

Researchers have combined muscles from a sea slug with a 3D-printed body to create a new ‘biohybrid’ robot.

Fish and ecology experts are working to prevent the extinction of the tiny and incredibly rare native rainbowfish.

Some of Australia’s top minds want the new Turnbull cabinet to maintain its focus.

Dutch engineers have developed a medium that can store 10,000 gigabytes of data per square centimetre.

ABS stats show coal continues to supply around two-thirds of Australia's electricity generation.

Faecal transplants are becoming more common in the treatment of human gut problems, but there is still some mystery as to what the wondrous poop pills actually contain.

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