“Drunkorexia” is a growing and dangerous trend among young women, a new study shows.

International experts agree that exercise boosts students’ brain power and academic prowess.

Research suggests lower-ranked public servants can use sexual harassment to take their bosses down a notch.

Ethicists have warned other countries against taking on Australia’s abusive immigration system.

Two new Zika vaccines appear to work in mice.

Suicide rates among Indigenous people in some parts of the Kimberly are ten times the global average.

German researchers can 3D-print miniscule lenses onto the tip of a needle.

A major survey of health concerns of people in Mr Fluffy houses has been extended.

Victorian children will soon get access to the future of diagnostic medicine.

Australian scientists have made a new material that, on contact with water, folds itself into a straw and starts sucking up liquid.

A new study using Australian data says increased school funding does not lead to better performance.

The former chief of NBN has harsh words about the project as it stands today.

Australian researchers are looking at the benefits and dangers of ‘study drugs’.

Adding carbon dioxide (CO2) instead of water to fracking fluids could improve the efficiency of gas extraction, new reports say.

Mining companies and other major industrial players are getting into marine science.

New research suggests we developed the ability to see at night to avoid being eaten during the day.

Biological engineers are developing a programmable protein that could deliver next-generation drugs.

It does not take much water to push cars off the road.

The world’s fastest supercomputer has been switched on in China.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is taking legal action over claims made by electronic cigarette sellers.

The Productivity Commission has again warned of the rise of the machines.

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