The journal Science has picked its top ten scientific achievements of the year, highlighting some incredible breakthroughs of 2014.

New studies suggest personality is more important than intelligence when it comes to success in education.

A team of scientists has been tasked with a particularly difficult project – defining just what is good about Queensland’s famous XXXX beer.

Experts say they are keen to start using newly-announced Federal Government money for research projects across northern Australia.

Daily consumption of fruit may play a role in maintaining mental health, a study from the University of Queensland says.

A major research breakthrough featuring Australian scientists could be the key to fighting dengue fever.

The CSIRO’s new high-tech research ship Investigator has tested its equipment on the sea floor around Tasmania, producing detailed 3-dimensional maps of areas never plotted before.

The Australian Government has provided $1.1 million for a Southern Ocean whale research voyage this summer (not the Japanese kind).

Researchers are looking for one of the most mysterious substances in the universe, starting their search in a rural Victorian mine shaft.

Engineers at DARPA – the US military’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency – have created a device that is as scary as it is astounding; a bullet than can change direction mid-air.

An international research team has developed a new “high-entropy” metal alloy with a higher strength-to-weight ratio than any other existing metal material.

Australian researchers are taking part in a massive trial to see whether computer games, iPad apps and interactive games such as the Wii can help people recover from falls, strokes and brain injuries.

A Canberra company is bringing in a new technology that will allow households to buy and sell electricity on the market, potentially cutting the middle man and turning the industry on its head.

New research shows many who claim they are “good” at maths actually aren’t, demonstrating once again the incredible power of self-delusion.

Academics have expressed their views on the final report of the Financial System Inquiry, handed down last weekend.

The phrase “rare as hen’s teeth” would have made little sense until 116 million years ago, as new research shows up to then many birds had a full set of pearly whites.

The Australian Awards for University Teaching 2014 have been handed out, highlighting the value of some truly outstanding teachers.

Norwegian researchers have discovered new information that shows Viking settlements may have been much more progressive than many believe.

The praying mantid must walk a fine line between subtlety and style to stay camouflaged and still attract a mate – and now Australian researchers may have discovered one of its fashion secrets.

It is annoying when a random piece of information seems to push an important one out of our memory – but researchers say there is so much space that this is almost impossible.

Traces of everyday soaps, shampoos and fragrances have been detected in Antarctica, and their source could be sloppy scientists.

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