The Federal Government has updates its Species of National Environmental Significance Database to include higher-definition maps.

The database contains maps and data to provide information on the distribution of species listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

Government ecologists use modelling software to map the known and predicted distribution of listed species, including areas of potential habitat to create a useful starting point for investigation ahead of industrial and environmental projects.

The maps and data for threatened and migratory species are now at a 10 km grid resolution for detailed locations of species sensitive to illegal collection and disturbance.

It also includes a national distribution map of species.

The database is continuously updated as lists of species on schedules of the EPBC Act are amended or new information becomes available.

Version 3 is now available providing 10km gridded threatened and migratory species maps and data for public use.

The GIS data is available here.